Thursday, April 12, 2012

Two Days to Bull-Run Run

Just a quick post here.  Training has been great.  But as always with Taper, I feel like I should have run more the last week or two.  But that's how you're supposed to feel so everything is normal.  I'm sort of annoyed that I never got a long trail run done in practice but I remember for the GEER 100k (my first trail ultra), I didn't do ANY long trail runs and that turned out ok and the course is much harder than Bull-Run and I had no experience or what to expect. 

So what do I expect?  I don't know!  David Snipes signed me up as part of a 4-person team (it's just for fun. times are added up and slowest, fastest, and oldest combined age team win prizes) and "The Young Guns" are looking to pull off an upset.  Our combined age is 130 (do the math yourself).  I'm the 2nd oldest!  The oldest team's combined age is 260!!!!!  Wow!  I'm probably going to do most of the run with Snipes.  He thinks sub 10 hours should be doable.  Stupid me is wondering in the back of my mind if I can do sub-9.  9 hours is a 10:50 pace.  10 hours is a 12-minute mile.  For you newbies out there that are only familiar with marathons and 1/2 marathons on the road, 50 miles is a world of difference, and trail runs with elevation change (granted this doesn't have the toughest elevation profile, but it's enough) make it that much different.  Walk uphills, run a steady pace on flats and faster but careful on the downhills. Hopefully, not spending too much time at aid stations, and an 11-minute mile or faster can be a reality.  I'll let you know when I'm done! 

The weather forecast is looking great if not a little warm.  I'm going to go with the Generation UCAN for my morning nutrition and then go with whatever food they have at the aid stations.  I'll have some gels on me just in case I need something in between as aid stations are on average 3.5 miles apart (2-5 miles it seems).  I will stick with water and electrolyte pills.  After Vermont last year, I'm scared of sports drinks. 

Well that's it.  I'll give an update on how it went next week.

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